Who is FETCH?

Hello, my name is Carrie Collier and I have been Breeding, Grooming and Showing Samoyeds in conformation at AKC Dog Shows for more than 40 plus years now.  I have fed many various dog food and brands for over 3 decades. To date Life’s Abundance is the best dog Food I have fed my own personal dogs, but it too is lacking important and vital things to make it an even better food.

FETCH was created by myself and my husband Palmer Collier. As an expert in the Canine World I have earned the reputation of producing top winning and producing Samoyeds all over the world. In fact, dozens of countries, such as Asia, Europe and South America have purchased White Magic Samoyeds to start their own personal breeding programs.

Due to my passion for the Samoyed breed I have left no stone unturned, when it comes to the quality of my dogs and their health. It starts with a healthy breeding bitch and stud dog that produces healthy babies. My husband, Palmer, is a wellness and anti/aging consultant. He has created, and manufactured human grade supplements over the last 30 years. With our combined years of experience, knowledge and proficiency, it has allowed us to formulate FETCH. This product was designed to ensure optimum puppy health, as well as, enrich the health of your adult, and veteran pets.

How does the average or typical pet owner know the value of the consumable products they give their dogs to eat? That’s the question we all need to ask ourselves. This is where my passion for my Samoyeds, and making the best possible next generation needed to be looked at from the inside out!

There is limited regulations on dog food, and its literally impossible to know what’s really in the bag of dog food.  Three decades later I have changed brand named dog foods on a regular basis. Yes, frustrating!

As a responsible breeder, and dog lover I have watched carefully as my Samoyeds, and Breeding Program developed year after year.  It became obvious to me, the impact that nutrition has on my Samoyeds within my breeding and high performance Dog Show Program, generation after generation.  That’s a LOT of generations of Samoyeds 40 years later!

In effect, a generation is described as an average period. Just to give you an idea, generally a generation is considered to be about two to three years during which puppies are born, grow up becoming adults, and begin to have puppies of their own.

This has vast value and importance. This all hands-on deck, and daily eye balling observation of my dogs was the perfect environment to know what works, and what does not, or what a healthy Samoyeds’ coat and skin looks like or not. Thus, the frustration of changing out to new or different brand dog foods, year after year.

Seeing my Samoyed’s gorgeous white coats, looking dull. Observing runny, staining of the eyes, skin irritations, stool issues, lack of energy, as well as, personality quirks, and  moodiness causes me to remember the saying,  “You/we are what we eat!”, that goes for our dogs too! As I saw this happening, when dog food companies were bought out. All of a sudden I was witnessing C-Section after C-Section. Then I researched dog food companies, and I was startled!

Why were dog food companies being purchased by big corporations that had nothing to do with producing dog food? The answer was staring at me, right in the face!  The dog food industry is a multi-billion dollar business, that’s why! When you’re a corporation like Palmolive, and produce non-perishable items, what’s the correlation with dog food?  These CEO’s have no clue.

The frustrating challenge with dog food companies in my experience is that they tinker with the recipe to save money, and their cost of goods to achieve a higher profit margin, and give us, the consumer, and our furry friends a lesser quality product causing multiple health issues!

The dog food industry is a multi-billion dollar business, companies like Elmer’s Glue, Nestle, Palmolive, etc. and these Corporate Giants have bought many of the dog food companies you know so well today. For Example Nestle, purchased Purina in 2001. They knew full well that dog food is an emotional purchase, and a big profit industry. They cut their cost of quality ingredients to increase margins, and leaving us, the consumer with a lesser nutritional quality product.

The average pet owner is left to buy what’s available to them. I, myself, being a breeder, can see the lack of quality of a product through my Samoyeds and my breeding program.

       It all starts with the health of my stud dogs, sires, and healthy females, dams, after all they are making the puppies. When puppies are being whelped, or born by C-Section, I can see how the mom handles this process. A healthy Samoyed female delivers the babies efficiently, and quickly avoiding C-sections. When babies are in the whelping box nursing from mom, I can evaluate the newborn puppy’s health like bone quality, body weight, and mobility. I have tracked my eight week old puppies till 15 years of age observing their quality of health.

     I have been using my own breeding program for trials the last 40 years using various supplements. I finally decided after experiencing the good the bad and the ugly to take matters into my own hands and develop an organic and human grade product for my personal dogs and to share with you.

Ever wonder if the ingredient label validates what’s in the bag, can, or tub?  The only way you know that for sure is if the label GMP is on it.

FETCH is GMP Certified which means “Good Manufacturing Practice”. This is an organization that puts both human and dog related manufactures to the legal test and forces an honesty policy.  If a company does not pass the GMP testing, they lose their business via the court system, if they are caught.

Always check for the Good Manufacturing Practice GMP written on the product label.  GMP is a system for ensuring that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards.  It is designed to minimize the risks involved.  Like the FDA regulating pharmaceutical production that eliminate errors through rigorous testing before the final product gets to market.

FETCH Is Made In:

FDA Inspected Registered Facility
USDA National Organic Program (NOP)
Certified Organic by
 Quality Certification Services (QCS)
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
GMP validates Ingredients

       It’s up to you, You are the health advocate for your animal, don’t you want him or her to have the best?

        One can assume big corporations are about profit first, quality control second. In the human world of food and supplements there are regulatory agencies.  The FDA with our food supply as well as drugs.  Also GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) for all nutritional products. Human and Organic grade FETCH is GMP certified, in other words what we put on our label IS what is in our FETCH product.

More Information

How Does One Pick A Supplement for Their Dog? Here are tips from “How Does One Pick A Supplement for Their Dog?”

Here are tips from veterinarians and independent entities that test dog supplements that are offered to the consumer.

Look for a brand that specializes in one area, or that has commissioned clinical studies of their products.

I have personally created FETCH that offers my Samoyeds the quality nutrients they need as an arctic  working breed, including several dalmatian litters.  Feel free to offer FETCH to your Samoyed friends too!

Read labels. Know the name of the ingredient you’re looking for, so you won’t be deceived by sound-a-likes.

FETCH has an ingredient panel with organic human grade ingredients, our product is Freshly sealed with quality controls available. GMP the highest quality ingredients available.

Look for a lot number on the product, a sign that the company has set up quality control checks.

Each tub of FETCH has a lot number provided for quality control. Our product is made and manufactured at the Lab by a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice stamp) Organic and Certified Plant. If a product is not GMP certified it’s not regulated.

Look for a contact for the company on the label. There should be an Email where you can ask who formulated the product, what expertise they have, and how long the manufacturer has been in business.

FetchQuestions@gmail.com Is where you can contact us!

Be wary of claims that sound too good to be true, such as promises to alleviate diseases like parvovirus, cancer, and other health ailments.

FETCH ingredients are validated. Numerous research of the minerals and vitamins in the product can be seen in many studies.

Look for Certification from an organization that has GMP Stamp independently verified on supplement’s contents.

Our manufacture’s facility works with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), check with manufacture of products to make sure they are under this umbrella in human products and FDA sanctioned Labs.  If it’s not GMP the ingredients label and the contents in the bag or container may not match up! There is no consistent governing source to ensure what’s on the label is in the container without the GMP Stamp.

Be cautious about giving human supplements to dogs. Some products, such as garlic, can be dangerous for dogs.

Our ingredients are doggie safe! Know the seller of the supplement you are giving your dog.

We are not a commercial outlet, FETCH was started from scratch with observance and attention to the care we have given our personal dogs that are truly a family member as well as part of our breeding program and continue to be even after a litter leaves to their new home! We support and help all our pet families maintain their new puppy’s health just like their veterinarian.  With 40 years of ongoing experience we truly know the needs of our Samoyeds.

Did You Know?

Dog food is HARDLY regulated!
  • There is no governing body or entity that verifies the label!
  • What is your loving Pet eating?
  • Dog foods are cooked at 118 degrees and void of important nutritional factors your pet needs!
  • Beautiful Skin and Coat
  • Your Dog Deserves

    Joint Support & Flexibility
    Healthy Digestive System
    Strong Immune Support
    Solid Muscles and Bone Quality
    Calm and Relaxed Temperament


    FETCH is Manufactured By an FDA
    Inspected Registered Facility

    Fetch is compliant with FDA
    Inspected Registered Facility

    USDA National Organic Program
    (NOP Certified Organic by
    Quality Certification Services (QCS)

    Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
    GMP Validates label with
    what’s inside the container

    FETCH Contains The Following

    10 Essential Amino Acids

    Why these 10 Essential Amino Acids?

         Your dog must eat perfect proteins to create them. The dog’s body does not produce them on its own! Nor due humans for that matter.

         Fact, Amino Acids are the building blocks of life that support every cell in the body. Internal organs and external, dogs and humans alike! Without them daily in your dog’s diet, ill health can occur. You can only resource them by the food that is eaten, the body does not produce them automatically like non-essential amino acids. Dogs and humans need essential amino acids and non for optimum health.

         Essential Amino Acids Are Not Provided By Your Dog’s Body

        While dogs, cats, and even humans produce about half of these<

         Amino Acids internally, the other half, termed

         Essential Amino Acids,” need to be provided by the diet.`Since protein from dog food can be incomplete or void of Essential Amino Acids that are vital to your dog’s health.

    Why Turmeric?
        Numerous healing and preventative anti-inflammatory properties support overall vibrant health for your dog. Tumeric

        There are many recorded benefits of how this herb will help your dog

         Pain: because all dogs are subject to arthritis, turmeric can play an essential role in its anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is also a powerful antioxidant to boost your dog’s immune system, it tops the list of natural remedies for treating dogs with stiff and painful joints. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties reduce all internal inflammation including arteries that are laden with cholesterol plaque, which is the leading component in the hardening of the arteries and heart attacks. Yes, dogs have heart attacks and heart failure as well as high blood pressure. Plaque does not go away and inflammation causes a lack of blood supply to the heart and all vital organs. Turmeric combats this by keeping inflammation and arteries swelling at bay so blood can flow freely throughout the body. Oxygen-rich blood can maintain optimum health.

    Why L-Theanine?
         L-theanine. This is another great amino acid supplement to control anxiety. L-theanine works by increasing serotonin and therefore increasing your pup’s overall sense of well-being. Dogs tend to stay more relaxed using L-Theanine. Many dogs continue to bite, lick and chew past the resolution of their allergies due to chronic stress and anxiety. L-theanine works with the beta receptors in the brain to neutralize neurological responses towards stress, thus keeping your dog more calm & relaxed.

    Why Omega 3 Only Fatty Acids?
         Giving your pet Omega 3 can help reduce inflammation and thus lessens the intensity of most types ofallergies, including flea bite allergies, inhalant/contact allergies, and/or food allergies. Omega 3 fatty acids also help lessen dry skin and dander, and many skin scaling disorders. The use of Omega 3 fatty acid supplements also allows pet owners to use when managing many of these skin conditions

         Many pets have health problems caused by too much inflammation in the body as do humans, so most dogs benefit from supplements with higher concentrations of Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

    Digestive Enzymes
    The four basic digestive enzymes are:

    • Protease – helps break down and digest protein.
    • Amylase – helps break down and digest carbohydrates and starches. space – helps break down and digest fat.
    • Cellulase – helps break down fiber.

         Digestive enzymes can be inactivated or destroyed when there is a temperature change. Specifically, when food is cooked or processed at temperatures 118°F or above, the enzymes in the food are destroyed. (It means if you feed your dog foods cooked under high heat, such as kibbles or canned food, your dog cannot get enough digestive enzymes from the food). Without these food enzymes, the body must work harder and create more digestive enzymes to fully digest the food.

         Digestive enzymes are critical in your dog’s digestive tract. They help your pets to absorb the nutrients in food. Without them, your pet is now lacking the nutrition he or she needs to be healthy.


    • Lactobacillus acidophilus.
    • Enterococcus faecium.
    • Bifidobacterium lactis.
    • Lactobacillus casei.
    • Bifidobacterium breve.

         There are over100 trillionreasons your dog needs probiotics.Many researchers have shown that declining levels of beneficial bacteria in your dog’s gut and intestinal tract may mark the onset of chronic degenerative disease and a suppressed immune system.

         Most importantly, beneficial bacteriaare a primary defense against foreign invaders and an important part of a healthy immune system. As much as 80% of your dog’s immune system is based on his gut, so ahealthy gutis vital to your dog’s overall health.

    FETCH food supplement

    Food | Enhancement | Technology | Canine | Health 

    • -Muscle building and bone health
    • -Essential branch chain amino acid blend
    • -Skin & Coat (Omega 3 & 6)
    • -Immune system (Turmeric)
    • -Healthy intestinal track
    • -Probiotics (Lactobacillus, Bifoidacterim)
    • -Healthy joints (Glycosumen, Condrotain)
    • -Break down and absorption of nutrients (Digestive enzymes) *chicken base for taste

    $49.00 USD

    © Copyright 2022 White Magic Samoyeds, Inc. | Designed by Judith Anne Theriault