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Post In Your Home Prior to an Emergency

Who would take care of your dog, if you were hurt, and unable to do so? To make sure vital information regarding your dog is easily accessible to others, take a few moments to fill out this emergency information sheet.
List two or three people as contacts in case of an emergency. Include the contact’s name, address, and telephone number. Make sure at least one of the contacts has a set of your house keys.
You may also want your attorney to draft a written statement, which gives immediate custody of your dog to a designated individual with that individual’s consent. Notify that individual of his or her responsibility, and put his or her name, address, and phone number on your emergency information sheet.
Attach a recent photo of your dog to the information sheet to help others locate your dog if you dog should wander off.
Put the information sheet on your refrigerator or other prominent spot in your house. You may also want to keep similar information in your wallet. If you are unable to care for your dog due to an accident or emergency, someone will be able to follow the instructions on the sheet to provide necessary care.
(If you have more than on dog or pet, you may want to make out a form for each one.)