
In order to maintain our animal companions in optimal health, it is extremely important to understand the distinction between common and normal. When the body is in a state of optimal health, all systems are in equilibrium and no external manifestations of imbalance (symptoms) are apparent.
Many of the subtle changes we observe in our pets are early warning signs that there is imbalance existing deep within the body. These are not “diseases” per se but rather are commonly observed deviations from this state of equilibrium.
Recognizing and treating these common but abnormal early warning signs are critical to preventing more serious problems in the future.
Many of these symptoms are created by what has been recognized as a chronic form of vaccine damage, called “Vaccinosis”.
These are some of the symptoms that are common but are the result of the chronic effects specific vaccines have on the immune system and the life force of our animals:
- Runny or Red Eyes
- Intermittent Vomiting
- Intermittent loose stools, “sensitive stomachs”, allergies to species appropriate foods.
- Eating stools, dirt, plastic, rocks, or other indigestible substances
- Straining to defecate
- Gassiness
- Excessive thirst, drinking from water hose, biting water.
- Fear or drinking, fear or water, fear of baths.
- Frequent or difficult urination
- Loss of pigment from nose, pads, eye rims, or coat.
- Red ears, warm ears, excessive ear wax, frequent ear infections.
- Rough, dry nose, pads, or coat.
- Fearfulness, Anxiety, Fear of Touch,
- Gum redness.
- Runny nose Fear of Strangers, Fear or approach.
- Jealousy, Neediness, Possessive behavior with toys, food, etc.
- Aggressive behavior with other dogs or humans.
- High “prey drive”. Need to chase squirrels, birds, etc.
- Compulsive behaviors or any kind.
- “Nipping” at heels, nipping at hands, “mouthy” behavior.
- Anal gland problems. Scooting.
- Excess shedding
- Seasonal allergies
- Picky or excessive appetite
- Stiffness
Many of these symptoms are created by what has been recognized as a chronic form of vaccine damage, called “Vaccinosis”.
These are some of the symptoms that are common but are the result of the chronic effects specific vaccines have on the immune system and the life force of our animals:
Chronic signs of distemper vaccine vaccinosis:
- Watery fluid dripping from the nose
- Conjunctivitis
- Eye discharge
- Entropion
- Chronic gastritis
- Hepatitis
- Pancreatitis
- Appetite disorders
- Recurrent diarrhea
- Sensitivity to food with resulting diarrhea
- Epilepsy
- Seizures
- Ear leg paralysis, spondylitis, “shaking leg syndrome”
- Lip fold dermatitis
- Excessive licking of feet
- Eruptions between the toes, allergies
- Kennel cough
- Chronic bronchitis
- Chronic Pneumonia
- Chronic skin eruptions, especially those located in the lower half of the body
- Failure to thrive, failure to put on weight, quick weight loss.
- Focal seizures (licking the air, chasing “imaginary bugs”, etc.)
- Pano
- and possibly HD
Chronic Signs of Parvo vaccine vaccinosis:
- Cardiomyopathy
- heart murmurs
- enlargement of the heart
- valve disease
- Bloat
- IBD, IBS, “leaky gut syndrome”
- Vomiting of bile hours after eating
- Flatulence
- Bad smelling stools (without the typical Parvo smell)
- Irregular pulse, irregular heart beats, heart failure
Chronic Signs of Rabies vaccine vaccinosis:
- Restless nature, moves from place to place
- Desire to escape, cannot be contained, digging under fences, jumping fences, etc. Suspicion of others, fear of touch,
- fear of humans
- (sometimes fear of men or fear of women)
- Aggression to animals and people
- Clingy, separation anxiety, “velcro dog”
- Fear of thunder, storms, rain,
- shots, fireworks
- Restraining can lead to violent behavior
- and/or self injury
- Self mutilation, tail chewing,
- obsessive licking of feet, walls,
- carpets, humans
- High pitch barking, hoarseness,
- excessive barking
- Paralysis of throat or tongue jaws (lock jaw)
- Sloppy eaters, sloppy drinkers, drooling
- Dry eye, loss of sight, cataracts
- Eating indigestible things (wood, rocks, sticks, paper, dirt, stool)
- Insatiable hunger or lack of appetite
- Excessive drinking or total lack of thirst
- Obsessive behavior towards water (fear or water, or constant desire to be in the water. Biting of water coming out of a hose)
- Obsessive behaviors of all kinds (constant desire to play frisbee or ball, over and over) Fear or aggression of shiny objects
- mirrors, glass, flashlights, etc.)
- Destructive behavior (tearing up shoes, bedding, blankets, etc.)
- Seizures, epilepsy, twitching while sleeping
- Increased sexual desire, aggression, jealousy
- Reversed sneezing
There are also many well studied and diagnosed auto-immune diseases as a result of
vaccine damage such as:
Auto-immune thyroiditis
Red Cell aplasia
Auto-immune Hemolytic Anemia
Neoplasias such as fibrosarcomas, mast cell tumors, lipomas, warts, etc.