Dog Parks YES or NO? by Carrie Parma-Collier

Your Dog can pick up Fleas & Ticks from the other dogs
- Your Dog can pick up Sarcoptic Mange and Mites
Your Dog can pick up this Mouth To Mouth Virus that is everywhere in the USA and Canada currently or Kennel Cough or Canine Flu
Conjunctivitis! Highly Contagious, Dogs pass it to each other and it means a Veterinarian appointment to cure it with an antibiotic ointment or can cause serious eye damage.
Your Puppy Or Dog is at risk each and every time you visit the Dog Park unless you personally know the other dogs and their owners. This risk can be anything from a bite to a severe attack that could lead to death and you could get very hurt too!
Is It Worth It?
“Why not take Your Puppy or Dog to the local Children’s Hospital or Nursing Home or other Rehab Centers where children and adults are paralyzed for Life. Why not bring some much needed joy Into their Life and Yours? Your Samoyed will “Thank You” and so will the families that you touch In a very special way!”
My professional opinion agrees with Dr. Tony Johnson, DVM in the following article and just this past year there has been a huge epidemic breakout of a highly contagious mouth virus called “Canine Papilloma Virus’ that produces large cauliflower growths in the dog’s mouth and other foreign growths have been passing from dog to dog.
Even one of my own personal dogs, Speed Racer, whose owner, just happens to be president of the New Milford Dog Park in CT, over a year ago had these strange growths appearing in his mouth all of a sudden, and they were not going away. The Vet did a biopsy, thankfully, it was not cancerous, BUT, it cost over $2,000 to remove these growths due to concern they could turn cancerous. So is it really worth it to visit the dog park?
The following article is written by Dr Tony Johnson a veterinarian published June 4, 2012,
it appears in the next section of Chapter 6, click link below. Thank you.