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What is Toxic for My Samoyed Puppy
Be careful what you feed your dog, it may be toxic! Updated 2016 and indexed guide.
Updated on October 8, 2016. By Peter Geekie
Our duty to protect our dogs. Some foods are toxic for dogs.
All mushrooms and fungus are toxic.
As with my article on toxic products for cats I thought I should write something relating specifically to dogs. Although many dog owners are very aware of the more common foods and products that can be toxic to their pets it can only be an advantage to run through them all again and their effects. Unlike most cats who are very picky eaters dogs tend to eat anything and everything without tasting first.
Onions, Garlic and Chives, the thiosulphate this contains can cause Heinz body anaemia, a condition typified by the destruction of red blood cells and causing eventual kidney damage. Unlike humans, both cats and dogs do not possess the liver enzyme necessary to digest them. The amount required has not been determined, as it will depend on body weight. It is toxic in raw, cooked, or dried form and consequently, human food scraps should be strictly avoided. The symptoms are similar to those for human anaemia such as pale gums, tachycardia, weakness and lethargy. The dog may start to vomit and suffer diarrhea, with bloody urine. Rapid treatment by the vet is essential who may decide on blood transfusions and/or I.V. fluids.
There is a division of opinion concerning Garlic. Some tests feel that Garlic, similar to Onions and Chives are seriously toxic to dogs,
whilst others will claim it is positively beneficial. On balance, until proof positive prevails, it is my opinion to keep Garlic away from dogs.
Grapes and Raisins – rapid severe damage to the kidneys may be caused which could be fatal. Just a small number of grapes or raisins can be poisonous to a medium size dog, although no trials have been carried out to quantify this. The most common cause is the dog eating wild bird food and ground feeders should be enclosed in a strong wire cage which will allow only the birds to enter. Symptoms start quite quickly with vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness and stag-gering. Again rapid treatment by your vet is essential and delay must be avoided.
Grapes and Raisins – rapid severe damage to the kidneys may be caused which could be fatal. Just a small number of grapes or raisins can be poisonous to a medium size dog, although no trials have been carried out to quantify this. The most common cause is the dog eating wild bird food and ground feeders should be enclosed in a strong wire cage which will allow only the birds to enter. Symptoms start quite quickly with vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness and staggering. Again rapid treatment by your vet is essential and delay must be avoided.
Chocolate and cocoa contain the chemical theobromide that has a bad affect on the heart, lungs, kidney and central nervous
system. Many dog owners are not aware of the dangers here and quite commonly feed the dog chocolate as treats. The purity of the chocolate determines its toxicity with the worst being pure cooking chocolate, while milk chocolate is less of a problem although still poisonous. A medium size dog can be affected by just 6 small squares of cooking chocolate, but it would take nearly ¾ lb. of milk chocolate to have the same affect. While unlikely to come into contact with it, eating raw cacao bean can also be harmful. Symptoms may include seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, excitement, tremors, abnormal heart rate/rhythm, staggering, hyperthermia and even coma. Rapid treatment by the vet, without delay is required.
Caffeine can have the same effect as chocolate. Dogs should not drink tea or coffee, it is not natural and contains caffeine and a chocolate like chemical – xanthine. To do so may result in damage to the heart, lungs, kidney and central nervous system. Packs containing all of these substances should be securely stored out of reach. Symptoms will be similar to those of a human suffering from stimulant overdose. Do not delay visiting the vet who may need to pump out the dog’s stomach.
Xylitol is a sugar-free sweetener, derived from Birch bark or such fruits as Raspberries. It can be found in chewing gum and sweets (particularly sugar free or diabetic sweets), and also in toothpaste. In dogs, the pancreas starts to secrete insulin, resulting in hypogly-caemia (low blood sugar) and can also cause severe liver damage. Small amounts of chewing gum or bubble gum can cause hypoglycaemia in a medium size dog. An entire pack will cause serious liver damage. Symptoms appear quickly often within half an hour and you will see weakness, staggering, collapse and possibly seizures. Urgent treatment by the vet is required and the dog will be highly stressed and will often require a couple of days in
treatment. If caught quickly the outlook is good but there still may be liver damage. You must remember that sugar free sweets are toxic to pets, and, if eaten in large quantities, may even be fatal. Educate your children to make sure they don’t leave their sweets (particularly sugar-free sweets), where curious dogs can get to them and make sure they don’t feed them sweets and especially chocolate, however much they beg.
Many owners give their dogs peanut butter as a treat, this is OK if it is just composed of peanuts, palm oil and a little sugar. However in 2015 new brands came onto the market which replaces the sugar with Xylitol as a sweetener. As can be seen from above this makes the peanut butter extremely toxic or even fatal.The brands to beware of are ” Nuts ’N More®”,. Krush Nutrition, Hank’s Protein Plus Peanut Butter, Go Nuts Co, , and P28.
Alcoholic drinks contain ethyl alcohol (ethanol) which is a seriously toxic chemical compound that affects the central nervous, motor response and respiratory system. For dogs even small amounts of ethanol can cause toxic effects. Urgent vet treatment is always required as it is absorbed quickly with symptoms including sedation, depression, lethargy, staggering and hypothermia (low body temperature). Do not induce vomiting. Some people seem to find it amusing to give alcohol to a dog, but let me assure you it is anything but funny to the dog.
Uncooked yeast dough also produces ethyl alcohol as a by-product and should not be fed to dogs or left where they could steal it.
Cherry stones, peach, apricot and plum pits naturally contain cyanide. Cyanide poisoning has classic symptoms of vomiting, skin irritation, labored breathing, apnea tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, and eventually coma. Urgent vet treatment is
required. In addition the leaves, fruit, seeds and bark of avocados contain Persin, which will cause vomiting and diarrhea.
Dairy products may be difficult for dogs to digest as they are not a natural food and are best avoided.
Bones can cause gastrointestinal obstruction. Cooked bones may splinter and break easily (particularly chicken or game bones), risking mouth or throat damage. Large beef bones are normally fine, even good for the dog’s teeth and they do like the marrow which is very nutritious.
Excessive salt intake can cause severe kidney problems, even causing eventual death. Always ensure your dog has access to plenty of fresh water. Processed human foods are very often high in salt (bacon, ham, sausages etc.). We may not think they are particularly salty but normal human levels can be quite toxic to a dog.
Unripe tomatoes, their leaves, stalks and stems, are really quite poisonous to dogs and should be kept safely out of reach and the waste disposed of without delay. The tomato plant contains atropine, which causes gastro-intestinal problems such as drooling, vomiting and diarrhea. More serious symptoms are tremors, seizures, and a decreased heart rate.
In both instances the dog will require vet treatment.
The potato and rhubarb plant can have similar effects as the tomato plant. Rhubarb Leaves: Not particularly toxic but the oxalic acid can cause problems with the digestive, nervous and urinary systems
As we know Mushrooms are not all poisonous. However, some can cause mild vomiting and diarrhea and others can lead to severe digestive problems, neurological
disorders and liver disease. Don’t keep mushrooms within reach and remove or protect any growing in the garden. When walking your dog in woods or in the countryside keep the dogs away from any growing naturally particularly those that grow around the base of a tree or on the trunk. Apart from Truffle Hounds dogs are completely undiscerning about the different types of fungus.
Raw salmon can poison dogs. Salmon, trout (and certain other fish) carry parasites called flukes (Nanophyetus salmincola) which can enter the dog’s digestive system. The parasite itself is not the danger but is often infected with a bacteria (Neorickettsia helminthoeca), which in many cases can be fatal to dogs if not treated properly The cooking process kills any bacteria so, as long as the fish is cooked, the dog can eat it quite safely.
Spent hops from home brewing kits can be fatal to dogs. Hops can result in panting, elevated temperature, increased heart rate, and possibly seizures. In some more delicate breeds it can cause malignant hyperthermia and potentially death. If you brew your own beer keep everything, including waste, away from dogs, and spent hops should always be disposed of securely or burnt.
As we said in the beginning dogs are not fussy eaters and from the point of view of diet not the brightest animal around. Unlike foxes that have evolved to eat carrion, moldy or rotten foods can cause a variety of problems for your dog. Be careful to keep your dog away from the rubbish bin or secure the lid. Botulism, which occurs commonly in rubbish, can cause paralysis, slow heart rate, constipation, and urine retention. Immediate vet assistance is essential and if caught early an antitoxin can be administered. The mould on foods contains toxins that may result in muscle tremors and convulsions.To identify the toxin it is important to advise the vet exactly what you think may have been eaten.
Cat food: Although not toxic for dogs, cat food is too high in proteins and fats.
Fat trimmings: You should not give these to dogs, as eaten in excess they can cause pancreatitis.
Liver: Unusually one of the few meats that can be tolerated only in small quantities is liver. Large amounts of liver can cause Vitamin A toxicity. This affects muscles and bones and can cause abnormal bone growth, particularly noticeable on the spine and neck region. The quantity acceptable to eat reflects the normal amount that the cat would eat as a percentage of the whole animal.
Chemicals: These days we use many chemicals in all aspects of daily life. Substances such as chemicals contained in antifreeze (ethylene glycols) paint thinner (turpentine or petroleum spirit), racing fuels (Methanol or methyl alcohol) and swimming pools (chlorines) are very poisonous to dogs. Symptoms can include stomach upset, depression, and chemical burns. Insecticides, fertilizers and herbicides plus ant killer, slug pellets and many others can all kill or injure. Your dog is in danger in many ways. It may ingest harmful chemicals, inhale toxic fumes, or come into direct skin contact with caustic substances.
Human Medication. Drugs intended for people can have a very different effect in pets. Even a small dose can do major damage so make sure you account for any dropped tablets and make sure the packs are totally out of reach. Some of the most common and harmful drugs that poison dogs include:
- Antidepressants, which will cause the dog to vomit but more seriously, serotonin syndrome – a serious condition that raises temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure, and may result in seizures.
- Isoniazid, a tuberculosis drug, which a dog cannot metabolize safely. Even one tablet can cause problems in a small dog. Signs of poisoning include seizures and coma.
- Can I use over the counter human painkillers for a dog? The first thing to say is no – human painkillers are formulated for average size humans and the manufacturers probably work on an adult human being an average of about 140-155 lbs. Purely on body mass adult dogs will be between 2 – 100 lbs.
- In addition and primarily, since dogs (and cats) lack the liver enzymes necessary to process many painkillers it may cause gastrointestinal upsets, ulcers or worse.
- Aspirin administration is not recommended by anyone other than a vet where it is sometimes used for dogs in the treatment of arthritis and associated joint pain. It has good anti-inflammatory effects that reduces swelling and can also reduce pain and fever. Aspirin can be toxic in high doses of over 30mg per pound therefore with a single human tablet dose of 320mg it would be poisonous to a dog under 10 pounds in weight. If you must use human aspirin then most vets would agree that a dose of 5mg/pound or below would be an acceptable starting point. Because many human aspirins are enteric coated they should be powdered and added to food otherwise the coating will prevent adsorption.
- Paracetamol The FDA do not licence paracetamol for use with dogs (it is fatal for cats). It can cause liver damage and the animal should be taken to a vet within a few hours of accidental ingestion. The simple message here is do not use it, it may kill your dog.
- Ibuprofen This is one of the Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications which should never be given to dogs or cats and would cause stomach and intestinal ulcers or liver and kidney failure.
Rat and mouse poison. If eaten by dogs or cats, can cause severe problems. The symptoms will vary according to the type of poison, and signs may not be evident for several days after consumption. In the case that the dog may have eaten the poisoned rodent, the dog can still become very unwell particularly with poisons that cause uncontrollable bleeding. Advise the vet which poison was involved and seek immediate aid.
Flea and tick products. A very standard product sold to fight fleas and ticks, however thousands of animals are unintentionally poisoned by these products every year. Problems can occur if a dog accidentally licks off the product or if small dogs are given excessive amounts. Many of these products contain essential oils and other substances totally unfit to apply to dogs fur. Speak with your vet who can offer an injection these days.
Household cleaners. Cleaners such as bleach can poison people and caustic soda based kitchen and oven cleaners can cause serious burns. Consequently they are a major cause of pet poisoning and chemical burns. This can result in stomach and respiratory tract problems and serious skin and internal burns.
Heavy metals. Lead, which may still be in paint, old linoleum, and zinc/lead batteries (dogs seem to have an unfathomable habit of eating small batteries), can be poisonous if swallowed, causing gastrointestinal and neurological problems. Some dogs have a habit of swallowing coins containing Zinc and poisoning may result, producing symptoms of weakness and severe anaemia.
Fertilizer. There is a whole variety of garden chemicals which may be poisonous to pets. Certain fertilizers contain calcium cyanamide (lime nitrogen) which will cause breathing difficulties, high pulse and increased blood pressure changes.
Organophosphate, a common insecticide, will poison a dog and can be harmful to humans also. Symptoms include: diarrhea, labored breathing, and excess saliva, lethargy, twitching and vomiting. If a dog actually eats the organophosphate, act quickly and the vet may have to use activated charcoal to help neutralize the poison.
Household plants. We have already looked at some food plants that can be toxic. Some of the more toxic plants to dogs also include:
Tulips and daffodils. The stems and flowers are fairly harmless but the bulbs of these plants may cause serious stomach problems, convulsions, and damage to the heart if eaten.
Sago palms. Serious risk – Eating only a few seeds may cause vomiting, seizures, and liver failure.
Azaleas and rhododendrons. Serious risk – These toxic flowering plants may cause vomiting, diarrhea, coma, and potentially even death.
Outdoor Plants: We looked at some household plants above but a major cause of dog poisoning problems is plants found in your garden. If possible avoid positioning the plants where your dog has access or exclude them altogether (there are many beautiful plants around that will not affect your dog.)
Avoid these common plants in particular:
Day lilies, Delphinium, Easter lilies, Elderberries, Foxglove, Grapes, Holly, Hyacinth, Lily of the Valley, Morning glories, Mustard, Potato, Chokecherries, Daffodils, Deadly Nightshade Rhododendron, Rhubarb, Wild Mushrooms. (see our comprehensive list at beginning of the chapter.)
Many dogs won’t want to eat these plants anyway, but puppies who tend to be more adventurous will chew anything. Keep a watchful eye on puppies both indoors and out.
Poisonous Garden Plants come in many varieties and the most common poisonous garden plants are garden plants are (with reported symptoms):
Azalea/Rhododendron: symptoms associated with azaleas include diarrhea, excess saliva, vomiting, depression or weakness
Amaryllis: this plant can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, depression, tremors, lack of appetite and excess salivation.
Chrysanthemum: symptoms can include gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea, vomiting and excess saliva. A dog may suffer coordination problems and appear depressed.
Cycas Revoluta: as with the Sago Palm, the entire plant is poisonous. Particularly the seeds are extremely poisonous to dogs. Symptoms of Cycas Revoluta poisoning include liver failure, vomiting, diarrhea, depression and seizures.
Autumn Crocus: eating this plant results in irritation in the dog’s mouth, diarrhea, vomiting, possible organ damage and problems with the bone marrow.
English Ivy: eating this they will suffer from stomach pain, diarrhea, and excessive salivation.
Kalanchoe: symptoms association with Kalanchoe poisoning include gastrointestinal problems and possible heart problems.
Castor Bean: symptoms associated with (Ricin) castor bean poisoning include stomach pains, diarrhea, vomiting, thirst, excess saliva appetite loss and weakness. Tremors, seizures and death are also danger.
Marijuana: this affects the dog’s nervous system and results in serious coordination problems, rapid heart rate, excess saliva, diarrhea, vomiting, coma and possible seizures.
Peace Lily: symptoms include vomiting, excess saliva, difficulty swallowing, irritation and burning, of the tongue and lips.
Pothos: symptoms include serious irritation and swelling of the mouth with gastrointestinal problems.
Sago Palm: the entire plant is toxic. Symptoms are diarrhoea, vomiting, seizures, depression and liver failure.
Schefflera: after eating this the dog may suffer from mouth irritation, excess saliva, problems swallowing and mouth, lips and gum irritation.
Cyclamen: The roots are the most toxic part of the plant. Symptoms include gastrointestinal issues and vomiting. It should be treated very seriously as it may be fatal.
Tulip/Narcissus: eating the bulbs can causes symptoms such as excess saliva, appetite loss, gastrointestinal problems and depression. Convulsions and heart problems are also possible.
Oleander: the entire plant is poisonous. Symptoms are gastrointestinal problems, hypothermia (low body temperature), and problems with heart function.
Yew: This is serious – this shrub/tree berries can cause trembling in dogs, as well as coordination issues and difficulty breathing. Like other plants, there can also be gastrointestinal issues, heart failure and death.
Nutmeg is a spice popular with humans for sprinkled onto milky desserts or cakes. You must keep the nut or powder away from dogs and not allow them to lick out the bowls as high levels of nutmeg can result in death. In humans it is a strong hallucinogenic but when ingested by dogs, seizures, tremors, central nervous system problems, will result.
Mothballs: for some unfathomable reason dogs are known to seek out and eat these. They contain the dangerous chemicals camphor, naphthalene or Para dichlorobenzene. Watch for symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, anaemia, weakness and collapse. To treat successfully the vet will need to know quickly which has been eaten so take the packaging with you.
Macadamia nuts, while not normally considered fatal, can cause your dog to be very ill. The actually toxin has not been identified, or how it works but ingestion of even a small number of nuts can have serious consequences. Symptoms come on quickly and include vomiting, depression, staggering, joint/muscle pain, and joint swelling. Recovery is good but prompt treatment by a vet is essential.
Walnuts: This seems unusual but can cause gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea, together with respiratory issues such as
sneezing, labored breathing and coughing. You should seek the vets help.
In addition to all of the above toxins, there are many natural hazards. These often related to other creatures – hornet, bee or wasp stings and fire ant bites all can cause allergic reactions while some spider and snake bites can be highly toxic and quickly put the dog in danger. If in doubt take the dog immediately to the vet.
I have tried to cover plants and foods that are toxic to dogs, due to their different metabolism and some other small livestock. However, there are too many to describe in detail, therefore the comprehensive list I provided at the beginning of this chapter are not exhaustive but just listed in alphabetical order for your reference.