VACCINATE for RABIES at 5 - 6 months

Vaccinate for Rabies as close to 5 – 6 months of age 30 days away from any other vaccine!!!

Use only the Merial Imrab 1 (TF) Vaccine. This vaccine is Thimerosal Free which is the safest vaccine now available to dogs.  Thimerosal is Mercury that can cause an allergic and even life threatening reaction.  Please be sure to contact your vet and make sure they use the Merial Rabies Vaccine and that it is (TF)

Your puppy has already had a Nobivac DP parvo/distemper vaccine at 8 weeks of age. I recommend another Nobivac DP parvo/distemper vaccine at 12 & 16 weeks of age.  Be sure they are a minimum of 30 days apart.

Then do a titer a year later. If the titer comes back in the normal range your puppy DOES NOT need another vaccine, if it comes back low, I suggest another parvo/distemper vaccine. This is the accepted protocol by Dr. Jean Dodds NOT merely Carrie’s Protocol, but a highly regarded Veterinarian with Science backing her Protocol.

The Merck Distemper Vaccine label pictured below is the one you are looking for to give to your puppy.

If your vet does not carry this vaccine, ask what vaccine they do carry. If it is a distemper/parvo with adenovirus in it, you will need to order Thuja, Lyssin and sulphur nosodes from Roger at 541-899-2080 from Natural Rearing.


If your vet does not carry this vaccine, ask what vaccine they do carry.

If it is a distemper/parvo with adenovirus in it, you will need to order: Thuja, Lyssin and sulphur nosodes
from Roger at 541-899-2080 from Natural Rearing.

To be safe we recommend you give your puppy Benadryl am and pm for several days. This helps with any inflammatory reaction.

Breeder recommends ADVANTAGE II for fleas and Mites